Zeke Vikalen – Stop Watching Porn: No More Clicks

Zeke Vikalen: Stop Porn Now!

We’ve all been told that masturbating can be healthy, there’s nothing wrong it. Many people choose to watch porn to masturbate to – which is OK.

However, in some cases, constantly masturbating to porn, every day (maybe even multiple times per day), can be harmful. Chronic masturbation can be devastating, you may know how it feels like. You may always be exhausted, have reduced or no ambition, and suffer from general laziness and brain fog.

It’s typically a tragedy, because it’s those men who masturbate more who have the most potential to achieve more in life. Transmuting all that wasted energy into creativity and reviving that fiery ambition is one of the many reasons people look to stop.

Ejaculating while watching porn, may give a sense of ecstasy, happiness and escape, it can make you feel good and complete.

This sounds great and is even cited as being healthy by many experts. But if done repeatedly, every day, you may need to keep at it, constantly, just to continually experience that familiar brain rush.

And that’s how the vicious cycle builds up.

If you’ve decided to stop porn and chronic masturbation, please read on…

Porn addiction? It’s pretty safe to say that we’ve been told by someone, that porn can’t possibly be an addiction. It’s not like alcohol or drugs, right? There’s no substance involved after all, so you may buy into this idea. But maybe, after a while, you’ve noticed it’s not that simple.

Is there some research that can bring some things to light?

zeke vikalen stop pornPorn Addiction is not classified as a mental disorder by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, per se. BUT if you’re here you know how it can negatively affect your life (school, work, health, relationships and so on)

Because of its nature, it’s hard to come by hard statistics to give us an idea of how big the problem really is.

However, when you consider various sources, you can get a good idea (see the infographic for a detailed analysis).


42.7% of internet users view porn. Out of these, about 200,000 are considered porn addicts, meaning that they look at 11 hours or more per week watching porn. 40% of porn addicts lose their spouses, 58% suffer considerable financial losses, 1/3 lose their job.

Clinical depression is twice more likely to affect a porn addict than a person who isn’t one. There’s no question that porn may be one of the most dangerous addictions that exists, because of its “secretive” nature. As with any controversial issue, there are naysayers that just affirm you can’t possibly be addicted, that it’s just a way for different religions to scare men amongst other things.

Well, how about we look at it from a different perspective:

With simple tools provided by Google, anyone can easily find out that within a month, in average, about 6,600 people search for the term: “how to stop watching porn”. Additionally, 1,140 people are looking for “stop watching porn” and “can’t stop watching porn”. These are just three examples. It makes it blatantly obvious that you’re not alone, and many many people are actively looking for a solution.

And there is a proven, solid, workable solution that won’t make you feel judged, or anything like that.

Click here to see it.

Zeke Vikalen – Ceasing Click