
It wouldn’t be surprising at all if you’ve already tried to quit by mere willpower – and failed – multiple times. No worries, everyone goes through this stage. The problem is that the more you found pleasure watching porn, the more this strategy won’t be enough. This is because you make your body used to having a kind of drug like rush, every day, maybe multiple times a day.

When you masturbate, and ejaculate, a cascade of feel good chemicals, including endorphins, are released in your body. So it wouldn’t be unusual for your mind and your body to expect this “reward”, to continue to receive it as frequently as possible. It gets you hooked. When you suddenly stop rewarding your body with these sensations of ecstasy, your body will protest.

It will crave for more, and the more. Of course, we’re not saying that masturbating is unhealthy, on the contrary, it’s the excess that’s a problem. The addiction is what can negatively impact your life. And if you crave it, like any other addict would crave a substance, then it can reach the point of being unbearable.

Having the willpower to quit watching porn is a HUGE achievement, and IT IS a part of finally ceasing. But you want to build a strong basis for your will power to hold onto while you make it to the other side.

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